Are you ready for a transformative journey? – CLICK & ENROL NOW →
Prepare yourself to fully embody your essence and expand.
It’s an expert in using tricks like procrastination, confusion, self-sabotaging, control, distraction. Keeping you busy doing nothing really important so that you avoid meeting yourself and connecting to your essence and your creativity.
My ego is Madame drama queen (oui, oui!) and I was in shock too when I understood that it was tricking me! Why did it do that and why is your ego doing the same to you?
It’s simple: because you’re about to reach the next expansive stage of your life!
You’re about to open a door to something BIG and at this feeling, a dance has started. A “mind ballet” led by your limiting beliefs and this repressive need to be in control… Your mind tries to complicate things that are not complicated because you’re going out of your comfort zone. In fact you’re so far away from it.
► Procrastination: I can hear you saying “Next week, it’ll be a new beginning.” and… postponing every single week… Being busy scrolling on Instagram, binge-watching your favorite series on Netflix, decluttering your entire home, or answering your emails (that could totally wait, let’s be honest!)…
► Confusion: You feel disconnected from your soul and can’t hear its wisdom trying to reach out. Instead of listening to your inner voice, you make research on Google and listen to others’ opinions.
► Self-sabotaging: Your ego says you’re not ready. You compare yourself to others and play small with your gifts. Are you hiding behind the excuse that you need to finish the next course that you’re about to buy?
► Control: your way of living your life is not working anymore but trying to change things terrifies you so you’re grasping what you can, hoping you’ll stay on track even if deep down, you know it’s not good for you.
► Distraction: You’ve lost your inspiration, looking for it everywhere on social, with your peers, and you forget to look within yourself.
Do you feel the tension in your body just reading it? It’s tight, isn’t it?
I see you!
I believe life is a daring adventure! It’s not playing small, letting yourself be governed by your fears, prisoner of your mind and petrified at the idea of leaving your comfort zone.
You Only Live Once and you are reading these words for a reason.
I Believe that you have a special gift, something within that only you have: a unique vision that exists to be expressed.
The Audacious soul in you awakens and knows: you can’t keep it for yourself. It’s time to uncover what is under the surface and share it with the world.
Your answers are waiting for you in places you don’t expect! But it will always be within you.
I don’t say you have to forget everything you know but it’s time to connect to your wise, wild and free soul and explore how to lead your own sacred life. No predetermined path, YOUR soul’s path.
to decondition yourself and transform your limiting beliefs.
because being busy isn’t the definition of being worthy.
and discover that life is not linear!
…and have fun following the breadcrumbs.
and feel so confident and aligned. Time to let go of the judgment og others!
to feel inspired and manifest your big vision.
Keep in mind that after contraction comes expansion! Be ready to have epiphanies*, unlock and expand! I’m already excited just thinking of it.
I embody many labels: mindset & business coach, life coach, energy coach, yoga teacher, author and astrology Apprentice are amongst them.
At my core, I’m an Explorer. I take my clients on an adventure within to embody their essence… and then expand. My clients are bold souls who say a full-body yes for a transformative journey, to lead their life/biz their own sacred way.
I’ll support them through two pivotal stages to give birth to their vision:
✴ Meeting themselves and discover their purpose: stop playing small and connect deeply to their wise, wild & free soul to create a meaningful life
✴ Creating their entrepreneurial life: embodying their magic first and then expanding through a confident mindset and a heart-centred marketing where the strategy is them.
A few words that make my heart sing: adventure, sacred, intuition, inner journey, trust, magic, transformation, energy, encounter, essence, unknown, wisdom, curiosity, audacity, co-creation, healing, epiphany, alignment, embodiment, expansion, manifestation
Connect with me through Instagram @leona_fityourdreams_en ! And if you speak French, through my podcast “Les Âmes Audacieuses”, and my books “Audacieuse” and “Booster sa spirtualité”.
Prepare-yourself to live an inspired, magical, creative, sacred, bold adventure; connected to your soul more than ever.
✨ Delve into you the same way you go into a magical forest.
✨ Journey within until you touch stardust, the most subtle thing in you.
✨ Let your soul deliver its wisdom to you.
✨ Walk into the unknown by letting yourself be guided by your inner compass.
✨ Make surprising and sacred encounters.
✨ Let yourself be carried away by the magic of adventure.
✨ Rewrite your own story.
✨ Alchemise and let the new energies take place in you
✨ Let the flow of creativity teach you and co-create.
✨ Bloom and celebrate.
✨ Have fun on the way.
She is the explorer who travels with you within your depth. Thanks to Leona, I learned to connect to my deep essence. Even if each time my mind found an excuse to dodge these powerful and eloquent moments yet so aligned, today I have keys to move forward in my life. This coaching experience has been stunning, revealing, marvelous.
If you’re reading my words, here is what I have to say to you: What if you decided to travel within yourself rather than going (fleeing) outside? Go. Go dig. Go dig deep in your guts. What lives in you? How do you operate? Who are you ? Leona will help you find all these answers.”
How do you feel? Would you like to have me as your guide to live this sacred journey and walk this path with you?
Get rid of procrastination, and fully embody your essence, so that your vision comes alive.
Free yourself of being distracted, feel inspired and focus on expressing yourself freely.
Clear up any confusion by having an honest look at your mindset and then… being deeply connected to your inner compass. You’ll never feel so confident!
Release control and walk into the unknown. Going off road could be exactly what you need to expand.
Stop self-sabotaging. You don’t have to choose whether it is your personal, relational, professional life that is thriving! You can have it ALL. Everything is connected.
Spoiler alert!
Prepare-yourself to live an inspired, magical, creative, sacred, bold adventure; connected to your soul more than ever.
But… you are not going to get your answers in the way you thought. It can be surprising, but also frustrating for the drama queen living in you, because you are not going to know where you are going…
We worked on 3 very different issues, all of which were fairly deep rooted and long standing for me. Bringing energy work and coaching together is an incredibly powerful combination that allows you to access deep insight very fast. It feels like it goes straight to the heart of any issue and works with it at that level. I love how it bypasses my overthinking mind and taps me straight into my inner wisdom and knowing.
What could I say to you that is reading me? It’s much more powerful than you think possible. It bypasses your ego so that you’re speaking directly with your soul.“
☾ 12 life-changing energy coaching sessions
☾ Each coaching session is 60 minutes
☾ Via Zoom, fortnighly
A question? A doubt? A challenge? A celebration? I’ll be there!
☾ Via Voxer, answer within 48H from Monday to Friday.
Your next step ?
Do you feel curious and want to know more about this life-changing experience?
This is what you need to do next.
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Saying yes to this adventure, it’s accepting to access your deep essence to feel inspired, adventurous, connected to your soul, magical, creative, fun, BOLD, every day of your life.
Is your soul already in but your mind is still trying to make excuses to keep you in your comfort zone? Book a call with me to feel it’s the right adventure for you!
The major shift? We unlocked my creativity flow and that was beyond powerful! So many changes came since that. Our sessions had a ripple effect in my life.
Why work with Leona? If you need clarity, Leona will help you find the keys, connecting deep within you.”
Let’s get the answer !
It’s not through this coaching series that we’ll work on your strategy but it’ll have an impact on your strategy no matter what.
If you want to be supported throught your strategy and your mindset, my 9-month Soul & business mentoring is what you could need. We’ll work on your strategy, creation content, offers, your copy, your launch, your organisation in addition to energy coaching and mindset work.
The mentoring is a 9-month experience where we’ll work on your strategy, creation content, offers, your copy, your launch, your organisation in addition to energy coaching and mindset work.