If it is your first visit on FitYourDreams.com, my name is Leona and I am an Empowerment & Confidence Coach.
I help women all over the world unlock who they TRULY are by (re)connecting with their body, heart and mind so that they are bursting with confidence, and creating a life they LOVE! If it makes your heart sing, you are ready to become a Beautiful!
What’s a Beautiful? An amazing woman who made the decision to be her own priority, who understood that self-care or self-love is not selfish (it is the best way to take care of her beloved and inspire them to live the best life ever). If you feel in your gut that you need to make a change, welcome my Beautiful.
To welcome you on the blog, I wanted to create something special. So I thought about what could help you be more confident in your life. To me, setting a heart-centred strategy to achieve your goals is definitively one of the best ways.
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint Exupéry
It is time to turn your wishes into reality.
It is the reason I designed this first exclusive guide. I wanted to give you the boost you need to start to take action towards your dream life

6 exercises & tools to have a clear mind, reconnect to yourself and set THE strategy to achieve meaningful goals.
This workbook will help you to…
- Step back to enjoy how far you have come before going ahead!
- Celebrate your highlights because it is incredibly inspiring to realise what you already achieved.
- Simplify your life. Ready to feel free?
- Set your new inspired goals. I am sharing with you a list of awesome criteria. Can’t wait to know what you think about them!
- Design you goal map with a special cheat sheet!
- Create an inspirational vision board thanks to exclusive tips. That will make all the difference!

The second guide is about the 6 essentials to start the day feeling inspired & CONFIDENT!
Designing your happy morning routine is SO important. It sets the tone for the entire day. This is your best opportunity to be more positive, inspired and powerful!
Fitness workout and yoga, cheat sheets, a delicious breakfast recipe, and golden tips.
Each morning will be a new adventure. Be creative, awaken your inner child, slow down and enjoy the journey.
Whatever you do with this guide, the most important thing is to own it. To make sure you’re really making this guide works for you and to help you feel even more confident and supported, I’ve also included some resources to fill out… It’s great, isn’t it?
Thanks to these new exclusive guides, you have all the essentials to take actions and start to create a life you LOVE. (Your dream life has never been so close!)