We are all very busy so it is essential to spend quality time on the Internet, don’t you agree? It is the reason I wrote this post about what Fit Your Dreams will bring into your life.

Have you noticed how many wellbeing blogs exist? You can get lost.

First of all, know that it is quality contents here. I am a certified personal trainer from NASM and BPJEPS and a life coach trainee. 

On Fit Your Dreams, you will find:

  • Relevant information and advice to create a healthier life

I launched Fit Your Dreams in 2014 to inspire you to become the best version of yourself. Growing, going out of your comfort zone, moving more, eating better, believing in yourself. I have always wanted to guide you to a healthier life (body and mind). I studied to become a Personal trainer and fitness instructor, and I learnt a lot about nutrition thanks to several courses, my personal experiences and my coachings.

On my French blog, there are more than 250 blog posts: a lot about fitness, yoga and nutrition because at the beginning I was only a Personal trainer but I also talked about personal development; particularly about the mindset to achieve your goals.

  • A holistic vision: body, heart and mind

Move more to reconnect with yourself. Make better choices about food to be responsible for your health. Don’t be a slave to your negatives feelings anymore. Become your best ally, your best friend.

It has been my journey. It helped me go further with my coaching and realise that I had always been a life coach in my heart.

Sport and nutrition are two important tools to be happier but there are not the whole thing. 

I enrolled in a wonderful course (again) to become a Life coach and I finally became an empowerement & confidence who helps women uncover who they truly are by (re)connecting with their body, heart and mind so that they are bursting with confidence and, creating a life they LOVE! Their DREAM life.

You can discover my journey here. I hope it will inspire you and make you realise that turning your dream into a reality is totally possible. Speaking of which, you will read on the blog…

  • Motivational and inspirational posts with practical tools to achieve your goals.

Fit Your Dreams means « Create your dream life ».

This mantra helped me go beyond what I could imagine. And I would love this mantra to be something powerful to you. Believe in yourself Beautiful. I promise you: everything is possible. 

Four years ago, I was so passionate that I created this blog (in French). Then, after a professional transition, I became a Personal trainer and then a life coach. I will be a yoga teacher as well very soon.

Today, I am living in Australia (Melbourne), and I help women all over the world with my life coaching series and events between France and Australia.

I can wear many hats, and I have been the Editor in chief of “COACH pour Elles” for more that one year, I have even been featured on the Summer issue’s cover (a fantastic surprise from the Director). 

And it is just a beginning. I have a lot of other projects and dreams.

What is your dream?

Have you ever thought that you would never achieve it? Have you ever given up before daring think about it? What is the story you are telling you? That you miss something, you are not good enough?

My goal? Empower you and help you uncover your potential. Be the person you always dreamt to be. Make a step towards your new life. 

Above ALL, make your inner mean voice shut the fu*k up. I know her… She is wrong, you are going to achieve it.  You are able to do it. It is not a coincidence you are reading these words.

Do you need to be supported?

Maybe this is the special ingredient you need. A coach who will empower you and help you uncover your potential? A coach who will be there for you.

Discover a couple of testimonials about my coaching series.

I trust her one day in my life and everything changed. Leona is an amazing life coach!

temoignage-delphine-la-campagne-a-nini-fit-your-dreamsLeona is not like any other coach with Personal trainer backgrounds. She wants you to move with gratitude. Leona proves to you that you can trust yourself. She helps you to connect with your body and your heart to find a balance in your life, and you start blossoming. It is magical! Thanks to our coaching series, I move more (and enjoy it!), I make peace with food, I am more confident, and I love my body (I would never have believed that possible!) Plus, I opened my eyes. I have changed my life, left my job, and I am creating a life I love!  Delphine

Leona is amazing, our coaching series changed everything!

julie review fit your dreamsThrough our coaching series, I totally CHANGED my life! How? I learnt how to take care of myself, love myself and nourish my body with healthy food (she has a lot of delicious alternatives to share), and…”healthy” thoughts. I became kinder to myself and I lived the most amazing a-ha moments of my life. I opened my eyes. I have not been happy at work for years. It was destroying me, so I decided to quit and find something else. With Leona, everything is possible. Her coaching series is really magical. This experience changed everything. The secret to transforming my life? Being committed and having chosen the right coach. Leona will help you to become the best version of yourself and create your dream life Julie

Apply to work with me today. I would love to hear from you.