This unbaked brownie is a true delight for the palate and, it is healthy! A perfect combo.
Entirely raw and rich. They come together in about 15 minutes and require simple ingredients :
brownie’s ingrédients for 4 snacks
- 2 tsp of cacao powder
- 1 tbsp of Goji berries
- 1 tbsp of coconut oil
- 2 tbsp of honey
- 5 pitted dates
- 1 tbsp of grated coconut
- 80 g of almonds
- 80 g of brazil nuts
- 1 tsp of vanilla extract
- 1 salt pinch

brownie’s preparation
- Process all ingredients in a food processor into a uniform mixture.
- Spread it out evenly so that your “dough” is at the same height everywhere
- Put it in the fridge.
- Then you can cut your brownie to have your four snacks.
Incredibly delicious
So simple to make
You got the perfect snack!